Friday 2 April 2010

London Trip

At the beginning of March 2010, myself and fellow university students arranged a trip down to London to see how the Graphic Design community works down there compared to Manchester.
We were to arrange our own portfolio visits with London based companies of our own choice to show our work and learn about the design industry in London.
Myself and another student Laura paired up when visiting design companies (mainly because we were unsure of the London surroundings having only been once before!). We emailed a number of companies and recieved good and bad reply's, however we arranged 4 portfolio visits whilst down in London, we attended 3 of them between 1st-3rd march, although we received an email on the way down to London from once of the companies explaining something had popped up and they would be unable to see us on that day. This was fine and we appreciated the email telling us this.
All in all i had a brilliant time in London and it was a great opportunity to make some contacts in the design industry.

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