Friday 1 May 2009

Dan Ingham and Stephen Owen

Dan and Stephen are ex students of Stockport college, who left in 2007. They came in to give us a talk on their life after leaving college and where they are at now. From graduating both with First's and also having a D&AD New Blood 'Best in Show' award under there belt they had some help to start them off.

From looking at them i had the feeling that they were just going to gloat about their work and basically show off, however i was wrong. `they were very down to earth guys and gave us a lot of useful and well needed tips. Surprisingly to hear they both agreeded how much they miss college and being able to do what ever they wanted during the day. Even simple things like going for dinner whenever they wanted and sneaking off home early was was they mostly missed. They had a main message to be given out during the talk and that was to encourage us to come in to college all the time and make the most of it. They made it clear that coming into college will definatly boots your ideas and help you along with the design process. Making friends with people from other pathways was also a good tip from them, which i related too as i have a lot of friends from different pathways. They said if you have these friends they canhelp you if you are unsure of a program or just need general help.

Both of them created some posters for their End of year show exhibition 2007, this was extra work for them as they still had to finish off their final work but they voulenteered to do this.

After telling us their tips and advice they went on to talk about where they are now and what they have been doing for the last few years. Both of them sucessfully compleated placements at The Chase and Thoughtful. Dan currently works at Mark Studio and Stephen is at McCann Erikson, they both expressed how designers from big companies are nice people when you are lucky enough to get a placement and get to know them.

They also mentioned that being able to make a nice cup of tea is infact the best skill you can have on a placement and to make yourself known to do all the jobs that noone else wants to do. They also said to make sure you research the company before you start your placement as you want to look like youve made an effort when asked about their work.

I really enjoyed the talk and it helped me have a better understanding on whats going to happen once i finish the course and have to find a job.

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