Thursday 25 March 2010

Minx Creative, London - Portfolio Visit

Another portfolio visit me and Laura attended was once at Minx Creative based in London.
We were met by Two designers Jess and Charlotte, who i had previously arranged the visit with via email. We presented our portfolio's and explained the outcomes of our work. Both designers, were impressed with our level of design and use of programs etc. They took particular interest to some bags i produced for a Coal Mining Museum, in my first year of the degree.
They didn't give me any negative feedback, as i think they were mostly just being polite, however they were impressed at the knowledge of all the programs and skills we had, (i think in London they musn't get taught as much about the software as we seem to do). Which was nice to hear as i feel i am quite basic on some of the software we use. We spoke about the design industry and how they found it quite hard to get a job after graduating and stressed that we should just keep trying if its what your really want because it will all pay off in the end, like it did for them.
Overall it was a great experience, as i got to talk and show my work to two designers of the company and get there opinion of my work. We both got given and business card and told to keep in touch. To check out their work visit the following link: Minx Creative.

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