Friday, 8 May 2009

Practioner comparision Craig Oldham vs Fudge

Craig Oldham vs. Fudge

Recently at college we have had a series of lectures presented to us by graphic designers and companies. There have been a variety of different styled companies and their working styles have all been very different but interesting. Some of these lectures include design companies such as Truth, Music, Fake ID, Grant Gilbert , Tal Rosener, Glorious and Thoughtful.

Craig Oldham from music came in to give us a lecture about his life since graduating University. Craig Oldham has only been graduated from university for 3 years. He worked at The Chase for a few years, within his first 12 months of working at The Chase he decided to produce a booklet of his encounter. His booklet was mainly about the lessons that he learnt whilst working at The Chase.

Craig has a great theory he goes by when in the graphic design industry. It is that you are one of two types of designers, Bunch A or Bunch B. He went on to explain what they were:

Bunch A - logical designers that do things that have an obvious purpose in life. For example toilet signs.

Bunch B - emotional designers that use every form of communication possible, to build an emotional connection between the design and its audience.

He also asked us all in the audience to have a think about what designer we think we are. Having being asked this question, thinking about it I’m not sure what category of designer I would fall in to. I think a lot of people sat watching the lecture also felt the same as me, so I wasn't on my own. Craig also went on to talk about having different strengths and weaknesses as a designer. He talked about when you are at your first ever placement you will often say yes to anything you get asked by designer, even making endless cups of tea. He expressed that although this may be boring it is very good in the process of being accepted in the design industry. He did also say that you need to be fairly honest when accepting challenging tasks, like if you get asked to build a website and you are weak at this area, don’t just accept to impress someone. If you are unsure of your abilities then say so, this way you won't make a fool of yourself or disappoint someone. Placements are very important as you get a chance to practice your abilities and also learn at the same time, it also enables you to get your name out and there.
Craig had a few do's and don'ts of placements:

- An insight to a real graphic design agency
- Real work
- Meet new and interesting people
- Improve your tea making skills (VERY important to Craig ha)
- Build confidence
- Remind you of your abilities

- Loss of money
- Could be away for a long period of time and could be on your own
- Taken advantage of

Whilst at the agency Craig said to make sure:
- You are punctual
- To make sure you are always enthusiastic
-To be no one other than yourself
-Make sure you spell peoples names right!!

Another one of Craig’s useful tips was to make sure you keep in touch with people you have met along the way. Share ideas with people, don’t just hide them and not let anyone else see, everyone knows everyone in the design world. He also said to invite criticism towards your work. Don't be scared to ask people about your work, you never know it might improve your idea.

Gavin Bates from the graphic design company Fudge presented us a lecture called 'The Branding Process'. He said to researching the client is one of the first things you should do when given a new brief. This is because you will need to have a much fuller understanding of the company you are designing for. He also went on to mention that your best ideas come up from researching your client in detail and understanding what your client represents.

Fudge has its own way of dealing with briefs, when re-branding they split everything up into sections to make sure they are clear on what’s needed. The sections are:

1. Researches and Analysis
2. Naming Solution
3. Design Concepts
4. Design Development
5. Design Applications and Artwork

Gavin then went on to show us some of his work. Starting with visual rough sketches and gradually refining them and making them neat as he went on. One of Gavin’s tips was to not use ideas that have been used before, the term re-branding means a complete make over. He also said for us to think about how we are going to present the work to the client as you want to act and look professional at all times.

To compare the two lectures, I would say they were both very good, interesting and informative. I have learnt useful tips from both lectures and enjoyed listening and watching them. I think I preferred Craig Oldham’s lecture the most, but only because he is younger he thinks more on the same lines that I do and he swears a lot like me! They were both shown in the same sort of way, however Craig focused more on his life after leaving university, he also included a large section on portfolios and placements. This was extremely useful to me as at the time of the lecture I was putting together my first portfolio. The placements part was helpful to as I had lots of questions to ask about them and Craig answered them for me. Gavin focused more on his work and what the company had produced and who for. I am really grateful both lectures took place as they have helped me a lot during the course.

Maja Hajuk

Whilst looking through, i came across an artist from new york called Maja Hajuk. Her work is very unsual but creative. She mainly does drawings and interesting art work but also on her website there is a few print based and screen printed projects.

I have picked a few of my favourites off the website and will post them below:

Canvas painting work.

Printing and Screen printing work

Britain's Forgotten Children Video Trailer

Today whilst watching TV i came across this trailer for a documentary series on children that are put into care homes and forgotten about. I found the trail very interesting and clever as it shows that the children are being sucked underground and will be forgotten about, just like when they get put into a care home.
above is the link for the trailer.

above is an advert found on the website promoting the series.

I think it is a very clever and effective way of portraying the series, and has definitely grabbed my attention making me want to watch the show when stuff like this wouldn't normally interest me.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Pepsi Max Adverts

I have recently came across the new Pepsi Max Adverts!!
I have to say i think there brilliant. they make me laugh everytime and that song catches on and stays in your head all day.
Great way of boosting Pepsi sales!
Video links below:

Job interview :

More available of

The Designers Republic

Again on the CR Blog, i came across a steel cd case with engraved typography on the back. This caught my eye as it is a different approach to usual cd covers. I looked into it and found that the case was created by 'The Designers Republic'.

I went on there website and looked at there latest work. When on there website i really liked the way it was set out, the font they had used and the kerning was great and looked really effective.
When looking at the work i was surprised to see that they had inface re-branded the childs tv channel Nickelodeon. I used to watch this as a child and remebered when they changed the logo/s to the ones they designed.

There is also a list of other well known brands they they have created amazing work for.


I came across Airside on the Creative Review blog. They had a post on Airside releasing a Hard back book to celebrate there 10th aniversery.

taken from Creative Review: "London-based design studio Airside celebrates its tenth year of business this year by self-publishing Airside by Airside, a 296-page hardback tome choc full of images of the projects that have not only paid the bills at Airside HQ but have shaped the company.

This is not your typical studio monograph. Dip into the text on any given page and it becomes clear that the intention is not just to show off the work created since the company’s inception in 1999, but also to use the book as a means to contextualise the work within the story of the company’s development…"

I then went on to Airside's personal website to check out there work, and i like it all.

I think this idea works well, it is a Protest identity for Greenpeace's campaign against Heathrow Airport's proposed third runway.

typeface designed for protest.

I particulary like this project. Re branding of Japanese Music artist called Rie fu.

There is plenty of award winning work on the website and its all of a brilliant standard.

50 Cars = 1 Bus...

From looking on the creative review blog, i came across this image:

At a first glace i just ashumed it was a bus/coach. Then thinkig well whats so special about it?? I then looked closely and realised that its actually made out of 50 cars!! I thought this was really good and a clever idea.

The reason this has been created is to try and get Swedes to take the bus to the airport and not drive. It was then placed beside a main road on the way to Stockholm Airport. This way everyone driving past would see it and of course look this getting the message across.

I think this is a really clever and effective idea.

Dave The Chimp

Whilst on the Creative Review blog, i came across a post on 'Dave The Chimp'. At first it was the name that attracted me too it him, but then after going on his personal website, i came across some interesting work he does. Taken from his website he describes what he does and who he is as this

" Born in an egg on a mountain top, Dave the Chimp paints graffiti without his name, and makes fanzines to switch on your brain.

He runs the 243rd Skateboarding Support Battalion, helped create Big Cheese Magazine and was a founder member of Finders Keepers Crew (along with D*Face, PMH, and Mysterious Al).
He is head designer at Hessen Metal Skateboard Hardware and Artist in Residence at design/advertising agency Fold7.
His work has been published in such books as "Scrawl 2 - More Dirt", "Zines" and "Blower" (Booth Clibborn), "Concrete To Canvas" (Laurence King) "The Art of Rebellion 1 & 2", "Izastickup", and the Dazed and Confused book "Annual", as well as appearing everywhere from children's books for Hodder, tour posters for MTV, and number 1 UK singles, to the bottom of Burton Snowboards.
He has exhibited in London, Tokyo, Paris, Portland (Oregon), Hamburg, Munich, Milano and Barcelona.
He often works on collaborations with Flying Fortress (under the name Visual Rock Stars) and murals and large abstract posters with the likes of Ekta, Nomad, and Product Two.
2006 saw his directorial debut, with a video for the band Robots in Disguise (, and he has since directed a further video for them, another for the Puppini Sisters, and tv commercials for the Badly Drawn Boy album "Born In The U.K." and the platinum selling Led Zeppelin compilation 'Mothership'.He continues to bomb the streets under a variety of secret identities.

Painting and skating keep the noose from around his neck."

Below is a selection of his work. Its mainly graffiti based.

Daniel Eatock

After doing our 1 day brief, i decided to check out Daniel Eatock's website.
I first of all went on to look at his thank you pictures features on the website that other people have submited to him. Here is a few of my favorites:

double cone

not a bin?


parked up parking meters

a little warning

These ones really made me laugh.
I had heard of Daniel before but never actually looked at his website.

There is also some other good work he has produced on there. I particularly liked his version of the 2012 Olympics. He thinks this one should be used as the new logo instead of the current one.

I think i prefer this one.

I will be keeping my eyes peeled on his website to see what crops up next.

Another 1 day brief 5/05/2009

On Tuesday day we had another one day brief. This time is was to find some of our own examples of Daniel Eatock's 'Thank You Pictures'.

On the brief we were given a thank you picture was describes as " incident, alignment, coincidence, viewpoint, temporary situation and other small things that often go unnoticed."

So from this armed with a camera i went to find some of my own thank you pictures.

Below is what i came back with :



Happy Family

Pipe Worm

Portfolio Viewing - Flame Digital

Today (7/05/2009) i went to Manchester to visit Flame digital, a graphic design agency based in Manchester. I had previously arranged through emails to meet Jon at 4pm. When i arrived there i was surprised to find that Jon wasn't actually in the office due to a last minute meeting. But the receptionist kindly introduced me to another designer called Ian. He then offered to see me and look through my portfolio with me and give me some advice. This was very nice of him as he explained they had been very busy the last couple of weeks.

I took a seat on the sofa's as he just finished off some work. The studio was very like Music's, i even think they had the same bookcase! Again it was filled with lots of books and magazines all to do with graphics ect.

Ian then came over and we went through my portfolio. He was impressed with my work and said i was very creative. He suggest that i should experiment more with my portfolio and make it less traditional and more unusual. He said there was nothing wrong with the way it was now but would look better if it was more creative as my work was along the same style. I agree with his comment and will experiment more and see if i can improve it. He also liked my Identity breif for the coal mining museum and said that my bags i produced were a brilliant idea. I was happy with this as i really loved created and designing my bags.

Having another portfolio visit really made me feel better with my work and if i push myself i can create really good ideas. Ian said to keep in touch and he would like to see my portfolio again when i have re arraged it.

Again i was happy with how the viewing went, especially as Ian made the time to see me last minute as Jon had to rush off

I thanked Ian and then left.

Portfolio Viewing - Music

I went to visit Music yesterday (6/5/2009). I had previously arranged through emails to visit Anthony at 1pm. I gave myself enough time to get there early and some extra time in case i got lost. I found that i needed this extra time as a lot of the roads near by were closed due to roadworks and there were no diversions set up in place, this was annoying.

I eventually got there with 5Min's to spare. I buzzed into the building and up to the 2nd floor where Music is situated. Anthony greeted me and i took a seat on the leather sofa's while he saved his work. Whilst i was waiting i had a good look round from where i was sat. I really liked the layout of the studio, it was very modern and just the right size. There was a large bookcase full of interesting books to do with everything to do with graphics, i also noticed there was a 'Grafik' magazine on the table in front of me.

Anthony came back over and took a seat next to me.We went through my portfolio and i explained what was required from each brief and how i came to my final solutions. Anthony said he really liked my work which made me feel more confident about myself. He seemed to take a great interest in my typeface i created out of twigs, which i liked. He offered me a few tips on making my portfolio, he said to possibly make it a little larger as this would emphasize my work further, and also to leave a little bit more room next time when binding so the content isn't so close to the bind. I agree with both suggestions as i thought of them myself after making my portfolio.

He also asked me some questions and we talked about his lecture he gave to us just a few months before. He asked me what type of graphic design companies would i like to work for and i gave him the honest answer that i didn't know and that is why its important to go and visit lost of different types of company. He said that it is a wise idea and will help me with the process.
I then thanked Anthony for having the time to see me, and he asked me to keep in touch and recommended a few websites that i might be interested in.

Overall the viewing went really well and has made me think that i definitely do want to be in this career. I will be arranging to meet with a few more companies to help improve my confidence and boost my enthusiasm.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Russ James Design

I came across Russ James Design, whilst researching on the internet.
There a fairly small company based in Staffordshire.
Some of there work on the website that they did caught my eye.
Below are a few examples of logo's they have designed for clients
