Gavin Bates from the graphic design company Fudge presented us a lecture called 'The Branding Process'. He said to researching the client is one of the first things you should do when given a new brief. This is because you will need to have a much fuller understanding of the company you are designing for. He also went on to mention that your best ideas come up from researching your client in detail and understanding what your client represents.
Fudge has its own way of dealing with breifs, when re-branding they split everything up into sections to make sure they are clear on whats needed. The sections are:
1. Research and Analysis
2. Naming Solution
3. Design Concepts
4. Design Development
5. Design Application and Artwork
Gavin then went on to show us some of his work. Starting with visual rough sketches and gradually refining them and making them neat as he went on. One of gavin's tips was to not used ideas that have been used before, the term re-branding means a compleate make over. He also said for us to think about how we are going to present the work to the client as you want to act and look professional at all times!
I really enjoyed this lecture from fudge, his style of work is alot like mine so made it more appealing to me.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Music - Craig Oldham
Craig Oldham has only been graduated from university for 3 years. He worked at The Chase for a few years, within his first 12 months of working at The Chase he decided to produce a booklet of his encounter. His booklet was mainly about the lessons that he learnt whilst working at The Chase.
Craig's theory in graphic design is that you are one of two types of designers, Bunch A or Bunch B.
Bunch A - logical designers that do things that have an obvious purpose in life. For example toilet signs.
Bunch B - emotional deignersthat use everyform of communication possible, to build an emotional connection between the design and its audience.
Having being asked this question, thinking about it im not sure what catagry of designer i would fall in to. I think alot of people sat watching the lecture also felt the same as me, so i wasn't on my own. Craig also went on to talk about having different strenghts and weaknesses as a designer. He talked about when you are at your first ever placement you ill often say yes to anything you get asked by designer, even making endless cups of tea. He expressed that although this may be boring it is very good in the process of being accepted in the design industry. He did also say that you need to be fairly honest when accepting challenging tasks, like if you get asked to build a website and you are weak at this area, dont just accept to impress someone. If you are unsure of your abilities then say so, this way you won't make a fool of yourself or disapoint someone. Placements are very imporatant as you get a change to practice your abilities and also learn at the same time, it also enables you to get your name out and there.
Craig had a few do's and don'ts of placements:
- an insight toa real graphic design agency
- real work
- meet new and interesting people
- improve your tea making skills (VERY important to craig ha)
- build confidence
- remind you of your abilties
- loss of money
- could be away for a long peroid of time and could be on your own
- taken advantage of
Whilst at the agency Craig said to make sure:
- you are punctual
- to make sure you are always enthusiastic
-to be noone other than yourself
-make sure you spell peoples names right!!
Another one of Craigs usefull tips was to make sure you keep in touch with people you have met along the way. share ideas with people, dont just hide them and not let anyone else see, everyone knows everyone in the design world. He also said to invite critisim towards your work. Don't be scared to ask people about your work, you never know it mite improve your idea.
I really enjoyed Craig's lecture and it has helped my way of thinking and will do so in the future.
Craig's theory in graphic design is that you are one of two types of designers, Bunch A or Bunch B.
Bunch A - logical designers that do things that have an obvious purpose in life. For example toilet signs.
Bunch B - emotional deignersthat use everyform of communication possible, to build an emotional connection between the design and its audience.
Having being asked this question, thinking about it im not sure what catagry of designer i would fall in to. I think alot of people sat watching the lecture also felt the same as me, so i wasn't on my own. Craig also went on to talk about having different strenghts and weaknesses as a designer. He talked about when you are at your first ever placement you ill often say yes to anything you get asked by designer, even making endless cups of tea. He expressed that although this may be boring it is very good in the process of being accepted in the design industry. He did also say that you need to be fairly honest when accepting challenging tasks, like if you get asked to build a website and you are weak at this area, dont just accept to impress someone. If you are unsure of your abilities then say so, this way you won't make a fool of yourself or disapoint someone. Placements are very imporatant as you get a change to practice your abilities and also learn at the same time, it also enables you to get your name out and there.
Craig had a few do's and don'ts of placements:
- an insight toa real graphic design agency
- real work
- meet new and interesting people
- improve your tea making skills (VERY important to craig ha)
- build confidence
- remind you of your abilties
- loss of money
- could be away for a long peroid of time and could be on your own
- taken advantage of
Whilst at the agency Craig said to make sure:
- you are punctual
- to make sure you are always enthusiastic
-to be noone other than yourself
-make sure you spell peoples names right!!
Another one of Craigs usefull tips was to make sure you keep in touch with people you have met along the way. share ideas with people, dont just hide them and not let anyone else see, everyone knows everyone in the design world. He also said to invite critisim towards your work. Don't be scared to ask people about your work, you never know it mite improve your idea.
I really enjoyed Craig's lecture and it has helped my way of thinking and will do so in the future.
Music - Anthony Smith Lecture
After studying at HND level at Bolton university, Anthony Smith graduated in 1989. He then went on to work for a design agency called Tucker Clarke Williams for the next 5years. After deciding it was time to leave he went on t work as a freelance designer down in London for a few years. He now currently works up here in Manchester for a design agency called Music.
To start of his talk, Anthony talked about how he got his first ever placement, he expressed that it was fairly hard to get placements and especially hard to get full time work. He eventually after about a year got a full time permanent job. He explained that throughout this period he kept his portfolio up to date with recent work and new layouts and this got him his first job. He went on then to talk about portfolios and how important it is to keep them updated and the layout nice an simple. He said during a portfolio interview to explain the brief fully and explain how you answered the brief clearly and simple, this then avoids confusion with what the brief is about. He also said that even if you don't like a piece of work so much to still stay positive and talk about it like you are interested.
The second part of Antony's talk was about how he and Dave Simpson, a designer working for Love Creative at the time; set up the Design Agency Music. He talked about how he had to think quite hard about weather to start up the company or not, but was pleased that he did in the end. They first started off working in Dave's flat but then it got a bit too small and they found an office to work in. While it was being refurbished they carried on working in the flat and then finally moved out once everything was sorted. He also included how they built up their client list, which all of us listening were secretly wondering. He said most of his clients he had previously got to know from his placements and working with other companies. A lot of his recently clients have come from the awards they have received and word of mouth because of these.
I am really pleased that Anthony came in and told us about his experience as it answered a lot of questions i was too shy to ask and made me realise more about life outside of university.
I have since emailed Anthony and arranged for a portfolio viewing soon.
To start of his talk, Anthony talked about how he got his first ever placement, he expressed that it was fairly hard to get placements and especially hard to get full time work. He eventually after about a year got a full time permanent job. He explained that throughout this period he kept his portfolio up to date with recent work and new layouts and this got him his first job. He went on then to talk about portfolios and how important it is to keep them updated and the layout nice an simple. He said during a portfolio interview to explain the brief fully and explain how you answered the brief clearly and simple, this then avoids confusion with what the brief is about. He also said that even if you don't like a piece of work so much to still stay positive and talk about it like you are interested.
The second part of Antony's talk was about how he and Dave Simpson, a designer working for Love Creative at the time; set up the Design Agency Music. He talked about how he had to think quite hard about weather to start up the company or not, but was pleased that he did in the end. They first started off working in Dave's flat but then it got a bit too small and they found an office to work in. While it was being refurbished they carried on working in the flat and then finally moved out once everything was sorted. He also included how they built up their client list, which all of us listening were secretly wondering. He said most of his clients he had previously got to know from his placements and working with other companies. A lot of his recently clients have come from the awards they have received and word of mouth because of these.
I am really pleased that Anthony came in and told us about his experience as it answered a lot of questions i was too shy to ask and made me realise more about life outside of university.
I have since emailed Anthony and arranged for a portfolio viewing soon.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
One Day Brief 21/4/2009
Species Of Spaces
1. Environment
2. Read the 2 pieces of writing attached (Georges w, species of spaces and Baker, Nicholson, the mezzanine)
3. Return to college and write up your findings.
On a4. Typeface Zurich Roman. 9 point with 13 point leading. 600-1000 words. Do not edit. Put your name and environment on the paper.
4. check you have followed the above instructions correctly
5. hand in your printed copy by 4pm.
After choosing a location at random i picked out : The Pricinct. (shopping area in stockport)
My final piece:
Stockport Precinct
Sat on a bench outside Topshop in Stockport. Its 21/04/2009,11.21am and its boiling! Glad of a bit of sun though to be honest fed up of the rain. Its very noisy here, lots of people rushing past. Big bags full of shopping. There doesn’t seem to be many kids around, probably because the school holidays are over and they’ve all gone back to school. Thank god there’s nothing worse than kids running around making noise when you’re trying to shop! There’s some strange people walking around and I think people get dressed in the dark because there dress sense is awful. Ha a guy has just come over and asked me if I’ve had any injuries in the last couple of months…i'm here sat with my arm in plaster!!
A strange man has just sat down next to me and he smells, its actually knocking me sick. He’s wearing a Kilt; I’m guessing he’s Scottish, or maybe just a weirdo ha-ha. Ok now he’s talking to himself and muttered strange sounds, I think they might be words but he’s just jumbling them all up. Looking around I think Stockport could be made a bit prettier, the shops all seem so boring and all look exactly the same apart from the different names on the outside and the clothes they sell inside. I do like how there’s no cars allowed to drive through. There is a bad but about Stockport though, it’s the amount of little scrubbers and scally's that hang around near the bus station and outside shops, there’s just no need for them. Ew a pigeon has just landed on the bench to the left of me. I really hope it doesn’t come near me I don’t like them. Vermin. I can hear the birds tweeting, I quite like it reminds me of it being summer and everyone being happy. I do like it when it’s sunny as everyone seem to be a lot happier.
After walking around I have in fact noticed that quite a lot of the shops that are here now have changed their signage recently. Everywhere seems a lot more modern that a few years ago, I think that this makes the place feel a whole lot nicer. The paving slabs on the floor could be laid down so they are more even, a old lady has just nearly tripped up on one that was uneven and sticking up. I feel an insurance claim maybe be appropriate here, ha. I wonder how many people have actually hurt them self’s in Stockport from just walking around doing there everyday shopping? That’s a question to ask your self…
I have changed locations now; I am no longer on a bench I am now sat on a fence that goes around some plant pots opposite Boots. Again the strange man wearing the kilt has found me and keeps staring at me. I am getting a little scared of him now. The parking meters here must make so much money, there is like 10 car parks around the shops and they all charge atleast £1.50 for up to 2hours! I bet there loaded. It’s starting to get a little chilly now and i'm getting hungry, I think Gregg’s is in order. A man has just spat n the floor in front of me when he was walking past, that s disgusting. There are many different alleyways and streets leading off from the precinct. They all contain shops too, and cafes and hairdressers. In the sky you can see the big clock, on top of the multi-storey car park, I don’t think it’s actually told the right time for a good few years. Still handy to have a big clock in the sky though.
1. Environment
2. Read the 2 pieces of writing attached (Georges w, species of spaces and Baker, Nicholson, the mezzanine)
3. Return to college and write up your findings.
On a4. Typeface Zurich Roman. 9 point with 13 point leading. 600-1000 words. Do not edit. Put your name and environment on the paper.
4. check you have followed the above instructions correctly
5. hand in your printed copy by 4pm.
After choosing a location at random i picked out : The Pricinct. (shopping area in stockport)
My final piece:
Stockport Precinct
Sat on a bench outside Topshop in Stockport. Its 21/04/2009,11.21am and its boiling! Glad of a bit of sun though to be honest fed up of the rain. Its very noisy here, lots of people rushing past. Big bags full of shopping. There doesn’t seem to be many kids around, probably because the school holidays are over and they’ve all gone back to school. Thank god there’s nothing worse than kids running around making noise when you’re trying to shop! There’s some strange people walking around and I think people get dressed in the dark because there dress sense is awful. Ha a guy has just come over and asked me if I’ve had any injuries in the last couple of months…i'm here sat with my arm in plaster!!
A strange man has just sat down next to me and he smells, its actually knocking me sick. He’s wearing a Kilt; I’m guessing he’s Scottish, or maybe just a weirdo ha-ha. Ok now he’s talking to himself and muttered strange sounds, I think they might be words but he’s just jumbling them all up. Looking around I think Stockport could be made a bit prettier, the shops all seem so boring and all look exactly the same apart from the different names on the outside and the clothes they sell inside. I do like how there’s no cars allowed to drive through. There is a bad but about Stockport though, it’s the amount of little scrubbers and scally's that hang around near the bus station and outside shops, there’s just no need for them. Ew a pigeon has just landed on the bench to the left of me. I really hope it doesn’t come near me I don’t like them. Vermin. I can hear the birds tweeting, I quite like it reminds me of it being summer and everyone being happy. I do like it when it’s sunny as everyone seem to be a lot happier.
After walking around I have in fact noticed that quite a lot of the shops that are here now have changed their signage recently. Everywhere seems a lot more modern that a few years ago, I think that this makes the place feel a whole lot nicer. The paving slabs on the floor could be laid down so they are more even, a old lady has just nearly tripped up on one that was uneven and sticking up. I feel an insurance claim maybe be appropriate here, ha. I wonder how many people have actually hurt them self’s in Stockport from just walking around doing there everyday shopping? That’s a question to ask your self…
I have changed locations now; I am no longer on a bench I am now sat on a fence that goes around some plant pots opposite Boots. Again the strange man wearing the kilt has found me and keeps staring at me. I am getting a little scared of him now. The parking meters here must make so much money, there is like 10 car parks around the shops and they all charge atleast £1.50 for up to 2hours! I bet there loaded. It’s starting to get a little chilly now and i'm getting hungry, I think Gregg’s is in order. A man has just spat n the floor in front of me when he was walking past, that s disgusting. There are many different alleyways and streets leading off from the precinct. They all contain shops too, and cafes and hairdressers. In the sky you can see the big clock, on top of the multi-storey car park, I don’t think it’s actually told the right time for a good few years. Still handy to have a big clock in the sky though.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Portfolio Viewing
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Elective Shoe Deigns
In one of our electives we chose at uni, i chose concept studies.
We basically had to design/make anything we wanted too.
I Chose to design some unusual but cool shoe designs.
These designs are real photos i took in the outside world and then applied them to the shoe.
These are a selection of the shoes i produced:
We basically had to design/make anything we wanted too.
I Chose to design some unusual but cool shoe designs.
These designs are real photos i took in the outside world and then applied them to the shoe.
These are a selection of the shoes i produced:

Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Julian Beever
Julian Beever is an English chalk artist who has been creating chalk drawings on pavement since the mid-1990s. His drawings create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the right location. I came across these images when researching graphic designers. His images are very powerful, i would like to come across one drawn on the pavement to have a real look at them.

Steven Sagmeister
Steven Sagmeister owns a graphic design company based in New York.
They design everything printed from brochures to CD covers and perfume packaging.
I came across his website whilst researching graphic designers and companies.
His work caught my eye as it is very unusual and different.
I thought the design of his website was interesting too, here is a screen grab of the opening page:
Below is a few examples taken from his website to show the kind of work he produces:

They design everything printed from brochures to CD covers and perfume packaging.
I came across his website whilst researching graphic designers and companies.
His work caught my eye as it is very unusual and different.
I thought the design of his website was interesting too, here is a screen grab of the opening page:

Monday, 6 April 2009
Alberto Seveso

His work really caught my eye and from looking at it closely it really inspires me.
The way he adds the patterns and swirls onto an original photo and then removes parts to make it look like they are drawn on the photos is a really good idea.
A few examples of his work below:

Barbour Reply
A recent project we did was to create an end sting for a clothing company called Barbour.
I emailed the company to ask if they had any samples of the materials they use to stick in my sketch book for research. Also to ask if they had made their own font or used an existing font for the logo.
They emailed back a few weeks later with the following reply:

I am pleased that they had the time to email me back and offer me some samples.
Unfortunately they only emailed me back a day before deadline of the project, but i have spoke to my tutor and he is happy for me to just give him the items once i receive them.
I emailed the company to ask if they had any samples of the materials they use to stick in my sketch book for research. Also to ask if they had made their own font or used an existing font for the logo.
They emailed back a few weeks later with the following reply:

I am pleased that they had the time to email me back and offer me some samples.
Unfortunately they only emailed me back a day before deadline of the project, but i have spoke to my tutor and he is happy for me to just give him the items once i receive them.
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